If you’re having a commercial building constructed or renovations done, you know how technical the process can be. There are many different elements to having a commercial roof installed to insure you get the highest quality roof. At Kodiak, we want to make that process as simple as possible for you. Below, discover a simple breakdown of what commercial roofing substrate is, and what we’ll consider when planning your project.
Why Your Roofing Substrate Matters
What is Roofing Substrate?
Roofing substrate is the surface a roofing system is applied on. This can include the roof deck, insulation system or even a pre-existing roof system. It serves to support the other elements of your roof.
The type of substrate used in your project will vary greatly depending on the type of construction. Commercial, agricultural, and industrial have unique needs that must be considered. That’s why it’s absolutely necessary to work with a specialized commercial roofing company for your project.
What Types Of Commercial Roofing Substrate Are There?
When your roofing team is considering your substrate they’ll use one of two different types, open framing or solid substrate.
Open Framing
Open framing is composed of wood or metal framing, with individual pieces of wood, or formed steel, or other construction methods, connecting together to form the frame of the roof.
Open substrate is best used with structural panels to support weight and span an open area. This is usually achieved with longer panels, and in general isn’t good for extreme designs with steep slopes.
Solid Substrate
Solid substrate consists of a solid material, as the name would imply, which the roof membrane is then applied to. It is best used with non-structural style panels.
Solid substrate can be composed of many different materials.For example, wood, plywood, or other potential materials may be used, including:
Plywood: Plywood is a common substrate, and can be used over an existing roof. Plywood does tend to expand and contract with temperature, so it’s important to leave an appropriate gap. It is a popular material under metal roofs.
Oriented Strand Board: Oriented Strand Board, or OSB, is another material that is good under a metal roof. It is made from compressed, strand-like particles arranged in layers and oriented at right angles from each other.
Concrete: Concrete is a strong and steady substrate material, popular with multi-story and commercial buildings.
Metal: Metal is another popular substrate used in commercial roofing. Aluminum is recommended for high humidity. Galvanized steel is another popular material.
When planning your commercial roofing project, work with a company that can provide insight into the best construction materials and process, so you can enjoy a quality construction designed to last for years. Ready to get started? Reach out to the team at Kodiak Roofing!